[T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 06:28AM
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2012 02:49PM by Smite.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 04:38PM

The whirling of the winds could be heard through out the plains as they made the grass blades dance. Sitting high in the sky would be the bright midday sun, some of its rays of light still making their way past the clouds in which it was nestled. There was just something about the surroundings that could make one be filled with tranquility. However, this peace was suddenly broken when a bright light appeared in the center of the fields. It was as if mother nature herself fell silent; the wind came to a stop, the chirps of the birds flying about could no longer be heard. Just as quickly as it appeared the light expanded and formed the shape of a wall in which a figure matching the outline of a man began to emerge. When the figure stepped foot on the soft soil the light behind him in which he had materialized from would fade away. Breaking away from his body like shattering glass the light began to disperse and reveal the being in which it had engulfed. At a distance it would appear as if the gates of heaven suddenly opened and let out an arch angel. The man would be none other than Yukio Senju, son of the Hokage, Okojo Uchiha. His presence alone made nature stand still and watch in awe. Seconds after Yukio's arrival the wind would begin to blow once more, this time only gentle gusts that made his abysmal black hair sway gracefully.
"This is the place isn't it? Don't tell me I'm early. . ."
The words escaped Yukio's parted lips in a disappointed tone. It wasn't like him to be earlier, and for the simple fact that he didn't liking waiting. Waiting only caused boredom and if there was one thing obvious about Yukio it was that he hated being bored. Even as a child he played countless pranks just for the sake of fun, even if some of them almost got him killed. There was only one thing that bothered Yukio more than boredom however. Being an adopted child Yukio always fells the need to prove his worth to his parents. So whenever his father becomes disappointed in him Yukio's childishness vanishes and his entire life is suddenly devoted to becoming better and making his father proud. If there was one day that stood out the most in his memory it was the day his mother walked into his room past his bed time to find him messing around with light in order to see the book he was trying to read. She was so shocked she rushed to wake Okojo up so he could show him. Apparently Yukio's little light wasn't something everyone could use. He'll never forget the smile he saw on his father's face that night, nor would he forget the constant training he went through the years to come. The stronger he got, the prouder his father was of him. And the proud Okojo was of him, the more accepted Yukio felt. Rumors use to spread about how Okojo only saw Yukio as a weapon, but they quickly stopped when Yukio announced he would kill anyone that insulted his father, and with his sudden possession of the Rin'negan, few dared to stand against to him. No matter what his father's intentions were, Yukio was willing to have become stronger and stronger whether it be for his own sake or for Okojo's happiness. But that was all a long time ago and it's been a while since Yukio was able to show his father the results of his training.Luckily, it didn't take much convincing to get Okojo to agree to a spar.
"Yosh! Today's the day I whoop that old man!"
Brimming with confidence and excitement, Yukio couldn't wait for the fight to begin.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 04:52PM

From a swirling gust and cluster of leaves emerged the Red Renegade.
A bright smile scanned across his face as the smoke from his appearance faded and all that was left was himself. Crossing his arms slowly and looking towards his son, the man spoke.
"Looks like I'm late."
He had raised Yukio since his arrival in the Hidden Leaf and knew most everything about him, but had only faced him in battle during training. This time was different, it was a test of Yukio's might. After everything had settled and Okojo had spoken, a moderate force of wind brushed through the field. Okojo's hair swiftly began shifting back and forth and his clothing followed to and fro. He didn't know what to expect from his son and was hoping to be surprised. Soon after the wind had settled he parted his lips to speak once more.
"Well than, lets begins."
Calmly speaking to Yukio, Okojo stood about 50 meters from his positioning and increased the volume of his voice to measures different from earlier, he wanted his son to hear him loud and clear. Before Okojo had even arrived he had thoroughly scanned the scene. He became accountant for everything in Yukio's possession and even began to measure the distance between the two. After looking at Yukio's ninja pouches he estimated what could have been inside of them and how many weapons or scrolls could fit. This was all done in mere seconds as he arrived and cleared the area with the leaves from before. Now that he had settled in, Okojo was prepared for combat.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 05:54PM

A bright smiled crossed Yukio's face as he felt his father's chakra signature appear and he spotted him in the distance. Just the sight of Okojo alone pumped up Yukio even more as excitement began to rush through his veins. With the utter of the words, "Well than, lets begin." Yukio knew this was it, no backing down. It was time to show his father what he was truly made of. Without wasting a second Yukio quickly scanned his father's attire just as he taught him, something he probably already done himself. After swiftly taking in every bit of detail he could tell of his father and the surroundings Yukio began with his first assault.
"I made this first one up just for you otousan. . ."
Yukio made sure to speak out in a loud and strong tone to where his father could hear him as he slammed his hands together. The second his palms touched his chakra erupted from his body and engulfed him. The heavenly white aura was marvelous and unique in it's own way. The angelic energy in which cloaked Yukio allowed him to withstand intense heats. It was something Yukio got into the habit of doing in the start of a fight after training so much with Okojo. There was no telling how many burns he received before he came up with it. In a short moment after his chakra engulfed him the ground below began to shake as if it was afraid, for what was to come next would be a demonstration of the godly power Rin'negan granted Yukio. Before one knew it several pieces of the earth were ripped out of the ground, hundreds in fact. The rocks ranged from about the size of a beach ball to massive boulders. If Okojo stood still he would lifted up into the air as the rocks were pulled up and hovered around Yukio. It was as if Yukio himself was a planet with it's own gravity that he freely controlled, and the earth was now caught in that devastating force. Of course, such could not be what Yukio was referring to for it was something Okojo had already witnessed Yukio perform. No, what was to come shortly after was what he really meant. A special gift for his father to say at the least. If Okojo was not already in the air on one of the rocks Yukio would now do his best to keep him within the air. Any time Okojo tried to leap down back to the ground his feet would only be caught by another rock in order to keep him hovering. And if Okojo tried to destroy the hundreds of rocks the gravity would only smash them back together so that they reformed.
Yukio called out the name of his unique hand seal he created that resembles an angel. With this alone Okojo would be able to assume that a light release technique was coming up for it was the hand sign Yukio usually performed for them. Once the seal was created Yukio began to leap about the rocks. When he was behind the rocks Yukio performed a cloning technique so that when he reappeared from behind the boulders there was now 2 of him, then 4, then 8, all the way till there was 20 of him. The clones were Yukio's own version of the shadow clone technique. If gazed at with chakra seeing eyes one would become temporarily blinded for all they would see is the light chakra shrouding the outline of the clone, making it impossible to distinguish which one was the real one through vision alone. After the clones were created each and everyone of them seemed to begin to randomly move about at a speed hard to keep up with even with the sharingan. This was because the movement was done by the opening of apertures and then traveling through them as light. Making the speed of the movement comparable to light itself, and with the random appearing and reappearing it could get confusing really quickly. That was when the surprise came.
"Fire Release: Phoenix Hammer!!"
The words suddenly echoed about the entire surroundings as the clones uttered out the gift for Okojo. It was a technique Yukio invented himself in admiration of his father's fire release mastery. In a fraction of a second Yukio emerged inches away from Okojo from an aperture and without hesitation attempted to land the first blow. Covering Yukio's right fist would be intense flames in the shape of a bird, giving the name "Phoenix Hammer" for the technique. Without warning Yukio would thrust his fist at Okojo, aiming the punch directly below his ribs. The instant the blow made contact Okojo would have been sent flying back down to the ground at an immense speed of 80 miles an hour, crashing through all rocks in the way with ease. The short amount of time it took for the flames to make contact with the ground the bird would have flapped it's wings, making the blaze swirl and mix with the surrounding winds which increased it's size to 70 meters in diameter. Once the flames hit the ground they would then swirl about in all their fury to create a massive fire tornado which engulfed the rocks in the air. Anything within 50 meters of the burning twister would be pulled in by the wind currents. The temperatures alone were enough to cause death but Yukio was not a fool. He knew of his father's mastery with fire. This attack was not based on just heat alone. The force of the blow would be at a bone shattering degree, meaning if it landed the target would be crushed by the sheer force. The fact that the flames also would have crashed through boulders and even had the jagged edged rocks flying about inside of it only raised the danger levels. If one could have survived the force and heat, then they would be torn apart by the sharp rocks flying around inside. Yukio would have used an aperture to get 80 meters away from the entire scene just after he delivered the punch, leaving him in a safe distance. Appearing beside him at the exact same time he did would also be his 19 clones. This was the power of the Rin'negan, no this was the power of the light release, NO, this. . . this was the power of Yukio Senju, The Guiding Light raised by The Red Renegade himself.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 07:08PM

The battle had officially begun.
Konoha's Red Renegade quickly crouched down, spreading both his legs apart, separating his arms as well. The moment that his adversary and comrade had pressed his palms together, Okojo within less than a second had formulated 4 hand seals, the Rabbit, Horse, Bird and Monkey. His movements were supersonic and couldn't possible had been seen, even the crimson eye of the Uchiha clan would have difficulty making out one of the seals. Okojo knew that his son was a Light Style user, he knew that Yukio had special skills that he could manipulate without hesitation. As his mind began to wonder and even before Yukio had fully designated his aura, the Hokage began to formulate all of the information he had on light. In the confines of his mind, he spoke quickly.
*"Light is associated with the Yang principle. Luminous energy can be created from electrical energy, as seen with lamps. This means that if he wants to he can light this place up with ease, blinding anything with a set of eyes. Visible light has wavelength in a range from about 380 nanometers to about 740 nanometers. The speed of light in a vacuum is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s, thats approximately 186,282 miles per second. Damn this kid... never thought that facing him would be this difficult.."*
At the end of Okojo's contemplation, Yukio had discharged a stock-white presence from within himself. This was brand-new to Okojo and he knew nothing of the technique, he had never heard of White Chakra. The technique that Okojo had initiated before is known as Bright Light Vision. This jutsu is exactly as it sounds. After forming the required hand seals, the user is able to see very bright lights, being able to deduct fairly clear, even in a blinding light. This technique cannot be used at the same time as its counterpart "Low Light Vision" and consumes E Rank Chakra per post used. After clearly noticing Yukio's new appearance, the ground began to tremble. Looking down quickly, Okojo questionably raised his right eyebrow, wondering what the hell was going on. Without a moment to spare the ground beneath the Renegade began to amalgamate, breaking free from the land and surfing the air around the location viciously. Hundreds of boulders and debris were now escalated beyond their positioning before. Just seconds after the ground under him shifted, Okojo took the chance to maneuver.
*"The power of the Rinne'gan, undoubtedly. This technique was rumored to be created by the Sage of Six Paths himself... what was its name.."*
Soon Chakra would extrude from Okojo, seeping from his confines and opening a new window for success. He had locked his eyes on Yukio and his signature stood close to him as well. The world knows this jutsu only as True Hunt. This is similar to Shunshin no Jutsu, except that the user will follow the path of the target, enabling the user to catch up to the perpetrator in mere seconds. Once a clear characteristic traceable evidence of the target is obtained the user performs this technique to flicker towards his location. By locking on a Chakra signature or a belonging of the hunted, the user of this technique can directly discharge techniques or onsets at the opponent. Okojo used this technique to maintain "contact" with Yukio, locking in on his location permanently. Facing his arm down towards the ground below him and positioning his hands to brace for a snapping action, Okojo smirked a bit and snapped his fingers releasing a large devastating barrage of flames that corrupted the ground below him. The engulfment of energy discharged from his grasp within less than a second and released a roaring sound of power that would echo throughout the field. He named this jutsu Supreme Friction. This created a 100 meter crater that dented about 10 feet deep. Soon the entire crater was engulfed in searing hot flames as they continued to be released from within Okojo's body.
Not giving Okojo a break, Yukio had already formulated a hand seal and Okojo knew of it. It was one that signified Light Style techniques. Soon Yukio began hopping from boulder to boulder, sheltering behind them for brief moments and appearing once more. As he sojourned, Okojo began to count the clones and knew exactly who and where the real Yukio was. From within an aperture, - Okojo's specialty, emerged his son's presence. A Fire Style jutsu threatened Okojo's supremacy and made a bold interaction with his existence. Okojo knew of the aperture's existence, he had been using them for over 150 years. He could since their creation and where exactly they would be formed, he had also practiced closing them. As Yukio formulated Chakra to initiate his aperture, so did Okojo. Reaching into the aperture and firing his first directly towards Yukio's, Okojo intercepted the attack and smiled into Yukio's face allowing his mouth to shift to the side. Quickly, he compressed the Katon and began to redirect it into Yukio's body, hopefully heating him up eternally. This is known as the Divine Redirection. Using extreme mastery over the fire element, the user of this technique can redirect low or high level Fire Style techniques with relative ease. To redirect the fire technique coming towards the user, the same amount of Chakra that the opposing power used to cast the jutsu is needed to redirect the jutsu. The controller of this technique will use their hands to grab hold of the fire element and twist it around, ultimately pushing it back towards the enemy. This would completely disregard Yukio's effort and turn the times of the battle a bit. Ultimatly exploding into a large devastating barrage of flames, Okojo suddenly appeared within the sky, about 100 meters above ground. His visage was bright and attitude enlightening. Wih his arms crossed, he spoke once more.
*"Is this what you wanted, son?"*
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 08:33PM

The second Yukio's father appeared within the aperture he did not falter in any way. It was nothing to be surprised about being that Yukio adapted his Light Release to make apertures after he saw his father use them. Just as his father smiled Yukio responded back with a sly smirk across his face. The second he intercepted his attack was the second Yukio's plan began to fall into place. When Yukio realized his attack was futile he simply absorbed all of the flames, including the ones created by Supreme Friction previously, with the Preta Path ability of the Rin'negan without harm, allowing the counter to be completed as he exited the aperture and his father appeared 100 meters in the sky. Yukio wasn't all too afraid of heat, but he knew there was more to his father than just high temperatures. Within a mere second all of the chakra signatures that represented Yukio became nonexistent as he suppressed them with the chakra sensory skills that he had learned, rendering what ever it was that Okojo was using to track his chakra. He of course being aware of his chakra being sensed because of his sensory ninja training. Just after he uttered the words, "Is this what you wanted, son?" Yukio's father would be greeted by a voice.
"No. . . I want more. You're going easy on me again aren't you father?"
The words were spoken by a figure of light that suddenly appeared out of Okojo's chest. This outlining of a man emerging from Okojo's body was merely a clone composed of light itself that had exited from an aperture. What aperture you might ask? Well, Okojo was now a living and breathing gate way for Yukio. The Tenshi hand seal he had created before was a special Light Release technique that is followed up by a sealing jutsu. The second Okojo intercepted Yukio's attack and came in contact with him was the second the jutsu was stuck to him. The technique itself places invisible markings all along the target in which are used to open and close apertures. Yukio knew that such a technique could be reversed by his father with ease, which is where the sealing embedded into the techniques comes into play. The seal itself consists of a barrier that only let's Yukio's chakra through. In other words, Okojo could not use his chakra to try and close the aperture himself, making it possible for Yukio to appear right on Okojo at any moments notice. Now that Yukio was free to appear out of his father's very body the clone made of intangible light looked down towards Okojo's chest where he had emerged from.
"I always knew I was in your heart."
A cheesy pun, but a pun at least. Such was to be expected from the childish prankster the man raised. However, Yukio was now filled with more than just harmless tricks up his sleeve. Without warning more light suddenly erupted from Okojo in the shape of chains which solidified as soon as they wrapped around him. These were chakra chains usually used by Yukio in sync with his Rin'negan. This time as the chains wrapped around him Yukio's chakra was surged throughout Okojo's body, instantly trapping him in a genjutsu if he did nothing to escape by now. The constant flow of Yukio's chakra through out Okojo's body would not only make it impossible to escape with sharingan due to the fact that the instant the eyes saw through it they would be trapped in the illusion once again, it also allowed Yukio to somewhat paralyze his father and restrain him, if the genjutsu did not already do so. It was at this moment that the light clone would solidify and wrap it's arms around Okojo in a loving embrace; a hug so to speak. It was with this done that the clone leaned forward and whispered into Okojo's ear to where he could hear it even inside of the genjutsu.
"Even if it were to mean death, I devote my entire existence to making you proud. Which is why, no matter what you do, I will win. If you burn me alive with the flames of your disdain, I will be reborn from the ashes. If you leave me in shock with the volts of your sorrow, I will shout back with calls of forgiveness that cry out louder than the roars of thunder. If you drown me within your ocean of power, I will use the very essence that flooded my being and took my life and turn it to a life force that surges that same power within my own self so that it makes me stronger. If you push me away with the raging gusts of your disappointment, I will push back and overcome them with the gales of my determination. If you bury within the depths of earth created by your anger, I will tunnel my way back up with my ever lasting loyalty. You see father, there's is nothing you can do to stop me from being the powerful shinobi you made me swear to become when you adopted me. And there is nothing you can do to keep me from proving that power by defeating you. If it costs me my life, I will still win."
These very words would have echoed all throughout the genjutsu as Yukio uttered them in reality. The illusion of itself was not a torturing one that put the victim under pain, but instead one filled with flashbacks of all the days Okojo had spent with Yukio, from the day he adopted him, to every day of his life that he devoted to training. It was during this that another seal was placed along he back of Okojo's back near his spine by another clone using the Rin'negan abilities to hover about. Within this seal was placed a black orb emitting the power of the technique "Chibaku Tensei" With the orb sealed inside of him and the only way to release the seal was to kill Yukio, there was little to no escape for the fate that was about to ensue. At the very last moment of the genjutsu Okojo would be able to witness Yukio at the age of 10 calling out to the crowd of people surrounding the Kage Building. . .
"If you ever insult my father again I will rip the soul out of your flesh and seal it in the depths of hell with the outer path. . ."
At the moment those words ended, just a second after the orb was sealed inside, chibaku tensei would be activated. The sheer gravity would instantly implode Okojo and crush him from the inside out. Soon afterwards Okojo and the 2 clones surrounding him would be buried under the hundreds of rocks lifted out of the ground from before. Yukio knew that if Okojo had survived somehow he could easily escape such a prison, leaving him to be on high guard no matter what the outcome may be.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 09:30PM

Another failed attempt on his son's behalf.
Okojo wasn't light weight. He wasn't new to the battle scene and could easily escape from Fuuinjutsu. The thing is, Okojo isn't alone, he's never alone. Emerging slowly from the center of his forehead was a large perception. The yellow scrutiny gazed upon the world and set hold a brand-new existence within the arena. Peering out into the space swiftly as it scanned the situation, the Divine Inner Eye of Buddha or Third Eye became familiar with the occurrences that existed. Without speaking a word, Okojo closed his eyes and allowed the Third Eye to get to work. This jutsu stimulates one's eye cells with Chakra, allowing them a strange sense of sight that can almost be described as having a partial Doujutsu. It can see demonic presences, and speak to them telepathically whether they are within a vessel or out of one. This eye will allow the user, for a limited time (4 to 5 hours), to see scents and smells as colors and shades of translucent Chakra. If one already knows the scent of the person or thing they are tracking, they can rather easily isolate the needed scent trail. If one ever looses the sense of smell because of being sick, a broken nose full of blood, etc, they can use this to track someone in a similar manner. The eye can also be transplanted with other skills. (ex; Sharingan). It has the supreme ability to leave your forehead and explore other parts of a location while being protected by a high class yellow barrier which respells physical attacks and absorbs spiritual ones too. The eye has a conscience of its own, allowing for an almost automatic expulsion of Genjutsu.
Suddenly, six circles appeared on Okojo's forehead, 2 of them being hidden by the appearance of the Third Eye. These circles signified his progression into Monk mode and pushed his being further. Because the Third Eye is an existence of its on, it has its own form of Chakra, its own mind, and its own set of skills. Okojo knew this, this made it near impossible to capture him in an illusion of any kind. The Third Eye quickly released the Seal Enlightenment technique, causing one of the circles one Okojo's head to fade away. The jutsu allows Monks to sense any seal that has been placed in their lifetime. The user can only sense the seal within a 60 meter radius. When the user senses the seal, there will be a short pulse in the direction of the seal. As the user gets closer to the object, the pulse gets stronger and stronger until the pulse stops completely, meaning the user has found the seal. Using this skill also makes invisible seals glow with a golden color for a short period of time. Once the seal has been located, the user will quickly scan it and disable the seal using Yin-Yang Chakra. Because the seal was an embodiment of Okojo there was no locating to be done. This would only take a few moments after the seal had appeared and in the middle of the process, Okojo noticed Yukio emerging from within him. His son soon spoke after appearing, stating "I always knew I was in your heart." This made Okojo laugh a bit inside as the battle grew a bit more antagonizing. Once again, Okojo had flickered away, appearing in a seperate location another 100 meters higher. He was not a total of 200 meters above the ground floating. His swaying attire and blowing hair seemed to freely roam his figure with ease.
"Did you really think I was that easy, Yukio? Come on, you had to have known better than that."
Without a single moment of silence after speaking the word "that", Okojo had snapped his fingers on his right hand. His left arm was lazily to his side as the sleeve of his jacket blew with the wind current. His right elbow was diagonal to his right hip and his fingers released a large resonating noise. Within moments large amounts of Chakra comparable to a Jinchuuriki began to seep from within his body. It covered the area in large amounts and within seconds, literal seconds. The change in temperature could be felt as the area in a 500 meter radius became 140 degrees. This huge escalation in the scenery's boundary was cataclysmic. The Chakra soon began to rise into the atmosphere and divide into the sky. In moments after snapping his fingers he had also emitted another technique, it is known as Chakronic Pressure. Chakronic Pressure is a jutsu created by Okojo Uchiha. Shinobi have the ability to control the form, movement, and potency of Chakra. This is a basic fact of Chakra. Okojo has discovered a way to spread his Chaka throughout an area. As it spread he increases its weight and density. He then pushes out the Oxygen molecules, less oxygen in the air causes the air molecules to rely on less concentration per unit volume, similar to being on a mountain top. He can also use this technique to crush certain objects with ease. This will cause those around to choke from the pressure and even cause their lungs to collapse.
After quickly raising his left hand about 4 inches from his face, Okojo smirked as he snapped once more. But this time something was different. The captivating sound of the echoing snap held a new feeling to it. The atmosphere itself began to sizzle and exhaust discharged from Okojo's body rapidly. With a large exploding sound the sky itself was thrown into a large detonation of fire. The cataclysmic explosion altered the entire scenery and held with it a hidden power. Crimson conflagrations danced about, destroying the grass within the area and flaring up terrible fires in the far distance. The renegade flames reached intense heats, those hotter than before at a whopping 400 degrees. The roaring flames continued to dance and sojourn as Okojo laughed loudly from within them. He was now hidden and was no where to be seen. The skies quickly grew dark gray and dangerous gases began to flout throughout the arena as Okojo's lips parted once more using the Announcement Technique.
"Hm... now I wonder, why were you effected by my explosion, Yukio. Have you found a way to hide from my renegade flames? Or is it that you are an illusion? So, which one is it, Yukio?"
He spoke boldly with a deep and controlling voice. This technique allows the user to project their voice using either Chakra or a special seal. This has a wide enough radius to allow the user to project their voice far enough for an entire village to hear. This is used by Okojo to announce evacuations and other important village business during emergencies and times of Crisis. This ability doesn't require the use of hand seals. This technique can easily be used in combat. Soon, the entire 500 meters was engulfed in a large cloud of fire. Somewhere within the flames was Okojo. After forming several different sets of hand seals within a matter of seconds he pressed his hands on the ground firmly. Within the ground a large amount of Chakra was committed further pushing Okojo towards his peak. This Chakra spread even faster than the atmospheric Chakra because of the already present existence of energy. As the ground began to shake and rumble, a huge explode of energy split from under ground, the force was enough to rattle the area around 10 times over. What was to come was in secrecy, but Okojo told no one. This isn't fully the reason why they call him the Red Renegade, there was still much more to see. But for now Okojo would leave his power shrouded in darkness. Dozen's of Okojo's embodiments began roaming the new fire realm, exploring what was now theres, but somehow they appeared just as the flames did. The ability to produce profound amounts of flames and energy in a matter of moments was Okojo's alone, but would Yukio find a way to bypass this skill?
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 10:59PM
Kenji and tide. Two assholes who i love to see rp. Their posts long and drawn out but more entertaining then many and they make sense. Love yall
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 09:00AM
Haha, thanks. This match is the most interesting I've had in a while.
Kenji is probably just going to use his Rinne'gan to absorb my flames. Whether he does or not, he's in for a big surprise.
Hint: Nothing is as it seems. A ninja must see through deception, then see through it again.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2012 09:01AM by Gou.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 05:40PM

The second Yukio witnessed Okojo's third eye appear he knew his plan had succeeded. You see, Yukio's goal was never to beat his father. Even if Yukio was capable of it, he knew such a task would not be easy. So instead he sought to try and get his father to reach a certain level. When Okojo revealed the third eye and entered Monk Mode Yukio's first goal had been accomplished. His next, was to see if he could push him even farther as to where he activated his sharingan. That in itself would be enough to satisfy the young man. If he could force The Red Renegade to unleash his crimson gaze, then maybe he had a chance at actually being strong enough to defeat him. This entire time Yukio had planned all the previous events ahead of time, estimating the possible outcomes and ways his father would respond to the situations. Such wasn't too hard after training with him for years. With the seal removed by his father Yukio knew it was time to think ahead once again. Sadly, he knew Okojo wasn't just going to let him. In an attempt to buy him some time Yukio swiftly performed 6 hand seals and activated a barrier jutsu known as "Divine Protection." just as his father uttered, "Come one, you had to have known better than that" And of course he did, however the next chain of events seemed to be a strike of utter luck for just when Yukio's barrier was completed his father unleashed a massive explosion. What was going to be used to buy him time to think, ended up becoming the shield that saved him. Most people would have burst out into tears of joy and would be greatly for their luck, but Yukio was not one to rely on such factors during a battle. The fact that it was luck that had him put up the barrier in time to protect him from the blast irritated Yukio. With him being guarded by the pretty much indestructible barrier within mid air, due to him levitating with the power of the rin'negan, the next few events that Okojo unleashed would not harm even. The words that Okojo called out to Yukio using the Announcement Technique echoed through his head over and over again, even as he pondered on what it was he was about to do next.
"No more games. . ."
There was no more contemplating, Yukio's following actions were decided and there was no holding back any longer. The heavenly white chakra that protected Yukio from intense degrees of heat suddenly began to act in a way it had not before. As Yukio slipped off the Senju armored plate and black undershirt that covered his chest the angelic aura began to shift about and create a shape engulfing him. The pieces of clothing were sealed away in a storage scroll in one swift movement before being placed back in his ninja pouch. The luminous white energy latching on to his body at this point would have been formed into two figures that resembled Okojo and his wife, the parents made of energy having their arms wrapped around Yukio in a loving manner. The technique itself formed on Yukio's will alone, and though it did not have any use, it always signified something. Out of 3 times that this formation every appeared in the past, every single time it was followed by a awe inspiring event in which Yukio displayed power beyond all rivalries. The playful look in Yukio's ripple patterned eyes faded away as he stared out of the barrier and into the renegade flames, a burning gaze filled with emotions that could not be described with mere words now making his expression. It was the next gesture Yukio made that Okojo would more than likely recognize as the one he would never forget. Engraved into Yukio's chest right upon his heart was the hidden leaf village symbol in which he had carved himself with a kunai years ago. When the rumors of Okojo seeing Yukio as only a weapon were being spread Yukio did countless things to deny it, the last action that stopped it all being him cutting the leaf symbol opon his heart and swearing on the will of fire that Okojo was his father and there was nothing no one could say or do to change that. The day that the hidden leaf village was attacked was the only other time he had swore on the self inflicted mark. And as he promised, Yukio forced every last one of the enemies to retreat on his own so that his father would not have to deal with it. However, today would be the day that Yukio vowed on this scar once again. With his right hand balled into a fist and placed along the scar Yukio called out into the flames,
"I will win! Today you witness the power of the god you raised!!"
As Yukio uttered the words the heavenly chakra figures embracing him smiled. With his promise completed Yukio performed 10 hand signs in a blur of movement, the final seal being his trademark Tenshi hand sign. Once the seals were complete Yukio pulled in his arms and bent his legs so that he appeared to be in a cradled or balled up position. For the split second he stayed in the formation it looked like the reflection of Okojo and his wife created from the white chakra were holding a new born child. But in a single second the barrier surrounding and protecting Yukio was taken down and his technique was released. Just as he spread out his body in an outward reflex he cried out in all his might, his voice being carried through out the entire battle field,
"Light Release: The White Renegade!!"
In near instantaneous speeds a massive explosion was released from Yukio's being. This blast of pure force and light covered a 1,000 meter radius in a single second. To put it simply, Yukio had just unleashed a mini supernova upon the earth in which created a ground crumbling shock wave and produced temperatures of 500,000 degrees F, a very pale demonstration compared to a real supernova, but a marvelous feat for a shinobi to accomplish. The light itself out shined the sun and incinerated everything within it's range. The force of the blast would even repel and push back all the flames as the burst of energy left the atmosphere damaged. Once the blast faded away the entire section of the heart would have a hole in it's atmosphere and be exposed to dangerous amounts of UV radiation, something Yukio did not have to worry about with his light release chakra engulfing and protecting him. The blast ended just as soon as it started, leaving the battle field destroyed, and possibly Okojo along with it. However, this was not the end of the assault. Though he had just used a large portion of his chakra Yukio still had a good amount of it left and with that in mind he would not stop. The next technique he performed would be the one he had been attempting to create every since the day he unlocked the Rin'negan and learned the legends of the Sage of Six Paths from his father. Though he had only finished the technique a mere 3 weeks ago, Yukio was ready to tested it's final form out. With all his might Yukio prayed that his father would witness this next event and gaze upon him with joy to see how far he has come in order to make him proud.
"Destruction of All Things!"
Yukio had done it. He had created the opposite of the technique in which made Rikudo Sennin be declared a god. Without warning a two layered barrier surrounded Yukio. The outer layer was bordered by a white intangible wall like structure in which once passed everything within it's vicinity would be completely torn apart. Yin-Yang itself would be split in two, separating all objects that entered it of their physical and spiritual properties. For instance, the second a person entered past the white barrier their life would instantly end as their yin and yang was divided. Instead of breathing life into what was shaped and formed from nothingness, it would remove the life and vitality of the victim. And instead of giving shape to imagination, it turned one's own existence into nothing but a figment of imagination. Once this was done the divided energies would pass the second layer that consisted of a black barrier. At this moment of time there would be no point of return for the energies would be sealed away into the abyss. To put it simply the technique somewhat resembled a black hole, a perfect follow up after performing The White Renegade for supernovas were able to create the monsters that defied the laws of physics. Yukio lay at the center of the technique, out of sight behind the black barrier and completely safe from the techniques destructive nature. To make things even worse, this technique was infused the Rin'negan's devastating manipulation of force and everything within a 1,000 meter radius would be sucked. The closer one got to the outline of the technique the stronger said force would become until it reached an extent in which not even Yukio's use of light apertures would allow him to escape. Chunks of rocks from the craters made during the battle were sucked in. The jutsu would last for only 1 minute, more than likely giving it enough time to pull in a massive amount of targets. However, once the minute was up Yukio himself released the jutsu for if he had it up an extended amount of time, too much damage would be caused and the consequences for the earth and other surroundings could be drastic. Besides, Yukio also knew of the techniques fatal flaw in which if it was not shut down before the user came too low on chakra, it would reverse and in result turn on it's user and tear them apart as well. That was something Yukio didn't even want to come close to risking, so he made sure to stop the technique once his chakra reached at the minimum of 1/4 of his entire reserves. Most would be celebrating for accomplishing such a justu and using it officially for the first time, but the only thing running through Yukio's mind was how his father would respond, and what he may say. Why might he be wondering how his father would react? Wouldn't he be more worried about whether or not his father was actually caught in the blast of ending technique? Well, no. Just as Okojo previously said, he was not going to go down easy. This entire time Yukio was not seeking to defeat or kill his father, but instead to simply push him to the edge and impress him. That was the only thing Yukio ever tried to accomplish, to make his father proud.

Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 05:42PM
Thanks Marcel. Just doing my job though. Besides, what is rp if it is not fun and entertaining? xD
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 27, 2012 09:29AM
Didn't think I was going to have to end this spar so soon...
Oh well, the Illusions Master strikes again.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
May 05, 2012 01:00AM

A ninja must see through deception and then see through it once more.
Okojo knew this, he had taught it to all of his pupils. Though this technique wasn't one of amazing rank nor satire, it was one of grace and made it easy for Okojo to defeat opponents of any rank. It takes a skilled Shinobi to successfully cast a Genjutsu great enough to defeat an opponent. This is why many people are not illusionist; they do not own the skill to cast mirages that force an enemy into the oblivion. A Genjutsu is an attack on the senses, a defeat of ones psyche and the control of one's personality by a foreign force of power. Because the Red Renegade was an elitist in every circle of a Shinobi’s trade, he knew of the nooks and crannies hidden within the battlefield, this is why he never stops analyzing an opponent, his surroundings, techniques used by those he has battled or studied. He is truly a never ending legend. People tell stories of Okojo as if he did not exist. Tons of the stories, however, are not true, but they tell stories of him nonetheless. If Yukio could get Okojo to use his three tomoe scrutiny it would show Yukio’s advancement as one of Okojo’s equals, not a student, an underling, or even middle child. Yukio would be seen in Okojo’s eyes as a Shinobi of true worth, not one to be tested. And so the show goes on.
Switch Songs to Continue the Experience
Bursting from within the shells of fabricated flames was Okojo, the Master Illusionist. The power from within his embodiment eradicated any fear of defeat as a fox's smirk danced across his brightened visage. The flames from below, above and within the grasp of the scene were nothingness. They existed in another world, Okojo’s world. The man of many skills had pushed the battle forward, far faster than it had been before. You see, the Hokage isn't a ninja of compromise when it comes to battle. You either win or you lose, there is no such thing as a tie. He is a winner, the successor of the Slug Princess and the dominate ape within the walls of the Hidden Leaf Village. His skill would play testament to this as the clout neared its ending. He had never left the sky, not even for a second. In Yukio’s mind the world was his and his technique was a success. But in reality he had faltered to the Red Renegade one too many times. This technique was one of sight, sound and essence, but would Yukio figure this out in time? The moment that Okojo had snapped his fingers and released the resonating sound, he had captured Yukio. His pupil should have known that a snap from his height and distance could not have run throughout the scene and punctured the eyes and ears of those within the smallest crevice. A snap with the power of that magnitude had to have been either by a giant or an illusionist. ((In a battle, every word, paragraph, passage or engagement must be thoroughly analyzed and understood. When making a post you must read through every part within your opponent's text and document what your character knows of the natural world and does not. Use this to scrutinize what can be and what isn't, this way you can pick out words and phrases that do not sit right with you. When I went into detail regarding the snapping motion, it was out of place, I hadn't done that in any other entry I wrote, so why would I do it there? This should have been obvious to you, but you failed to realize the grasp of the situation.))
“Yukio… it looks as if you have done it… you have forced me to use not only the Sharingan… but the Mangekyou Sharingan…”
In Yukio’s cognition all was as according to plan. He had pushed his sensei to open his grand power and had even gotten rid of the renegade flames. But this was not to be; he had not pushed Okojo to show his true sight and could not get rid of something that did not exist. Within Okojo’s fabricated reality his pitch black perception had emerged for a brief moment into a 3 tomoe cardinal scrutiny as it revolved into a swirling collision that became a vortex of motion. The glowing red eyes of the Mangekyou Sharingan existed within the confines of Yukio’s Rinne’gan exploration and even held a translucent like dome (imagine a dome appearing like Kakashi’s Kamui does) around Okojo, reversing the sands of time and keeping the area around him safe from anything that Yukio could have spat out. Back to reality, shall we? Floating with his arms across his chest was Okojo. Just a single second ago he had snapped his grasp and created a resonating sound of mirage, capturing his son into a fantasy comprised of his own victory. He had snapped his finger once more, ridding the battlefield of the unnamed illusion and snapping his son back into reality to fight him with another chance.
“You awake yet, son?”
With his hair flowing back and forth with progression, Okojo smiled down to his son with a sarcastic remark. He wanted Yukio to continue the match and prove his worth as Okojo knew he could, but this could only be done by cutting him some slack. While absorbing energy form the sun gradually, Okojo prepared for his son's new onset and braced himself for the impending barrage of power.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
May 06, 2012 03:06PM

^ ( click to here my newest creation and one of Yukio's Official Themes )
"No, and I've been asleep for far too long. . ."
The words escaped Yukio's parted lips in a disappointed tone as he awoke from the illusion and realized it was all just a genjutsu. He couldn't believe himself. All this time Yukio had been so focused on his father's fire release mastery that he forgot he was an illusion expert as well. But, Yukio would not make the same mistake again. He suddenly felt something rush through throughout his body; a feeling he had never experienced before. Somewhere, deep within his being, a monster woke up. All of Yukio's restraints from before, all his cautions and holding back was demolished. With this new outlook the determination in Yukio's ripple patterned eyes grew far more fierce. The chains that held him down and kept him from revealing his true power were shattered, releasing the god that had rested within him. Every bit of the childish and loving essence Yukio withheld were taken over transformed into a true warrior's cold hearted might. The very atmosphere surrounding the Rin'negan baring boy was filled with sheer power and blood lust. The next words Yukio uttered would be the beginning of the end. This time, there truly wasn't any more games. No more playing around, no more falters.
"The Outer Path: Tamashiyugo!" (( Soul Fusion ))
Without a moments notice the king of hell raised up and opened it's mouth. From the depths of it's throat the outer path spat out 500 souls in which instantly connected with Yukio and fused with his very being. Just like the third eye made Okojo's presence equal to that of two and made him immune to genjutsu, this technique made Yukio's presence that of many and gave him an intense boost of chakra and physical capabilities that far surpassed a tailed beast. The heavenly white chakra engulfing his body responded to such a change and acted furiously, swirling about in response as the raw power was infused into it as well. If Yukio wanted to he could infuse a fraction of his chakra then use it in a single punch to smash a mountain to bits. But, even though a new mindset came over him, he was still conscious and kept his intellect so he would not do such a thing and waste energy. However, whether it be a side effect of the technique or of Yukio's own doing, his appearance changed. To somewhat symbolize the slight immortality or eternal youth Yukio received with this technique his outer appearance changed to when he was a little kid undergoing Okojo's training.
This change in Yukio's physical appearance did not alter his capabilities what so ever and instead seemed to just be a little effect for show. Without wasting any time the outer path vanished and Yukio continued on with his plan. In a swift movement almost too fast too keep up with even with sharingan, Yukio drew a kunai from his pouch and struck himself right in the chest. As soon as he pulled the blade out of his chest the wound was healed completely as if no damage ever occurred in the first place. The regeneration was one of the uses of the Tamashiyugo. By using up one of the souls all damage was healed. In other words, it was as if Yukio had extra lives. With the previous actions Yukio brought down his life line to exactly 500. (( It was 501 before counting his own life along with the 500 he took in )) Believe it or not the taking of one of his lives was not for show or to just allow Okojo to witness it's power. Instead, Yukio swung the blood drench kunai, flinging the crimson liquid to the floor and scattering it across the ground. At the same time he put away the kunai Yukio made half of a tiger seal with his other hand and whispered in a gentle yet wicked tone.
"Dark Monk Art: Datenshi." (( Fallen Angel ))
With the performing of this technique the blood on the ground gathered and made a single line before starting to glow. The blood itself then turned into a red light that expanded upon the ground and formed a rectangle. This shape of glowing red light was a gateway for the being that was summoned. Without warning a creature that appeared to be human raised from the ground just before the gateway vanished. It was none other than Akira, a death god created long ago by Yukio himself after witnessing the Dead Demon Consuming Seal technique. Akira was a pure being that harnessed the power of the most corrupt. In a sense, he was an angel that carried the power of hell itself, giving the technique it's name to somewhat symbolize what Akira was. Though his abysmal black clothing and hair along with the blood red aura that surrounded him made Akira look demonic, his inner being was pure. This balance of good and evil was created to keep other monks from defeating Akira with mere purification. Aside from all of this the most noticeable feature was the bloody scythe with chains that Akira wielded. The substance the scythe was made of was extremely dense and could cut through diamonds with ease. Despite it's density Akira carried it around without trouble, his sheer strength allowing it to feel like a mere feather in his grip. The use of monk arts alone was enough to show Okojo that Yukio was serious now for he rarely ever used them. This was because the majority of Yukio's monk arts were highly dangerous and forbidden by Okojo himself. It was his Rin'negan granting him vast knowledge of chakra and his father's training that made Yukio's monk art techniques such a level. However, this particular technique was surely one to behold. Any chakra pressure used by Okojo would be rendered useless by Yukio's chakra reliever which was a similar technique but with somewhat opposite effects to negate and neutralize each other. This would not only be protecting Yukio but Akira as well for Yukio's monk arts were embedded into him. In fact, even the red aura engulfing Akira was similar to Yukio's white energy that made him immune to intense heat. Upon the instant Akira was summoned his Third Eye similar to Okojo's would already be activated and placed along his forehead, instantly glancing around the area and scanning the situation at hand as soon as it opened. Akira would not even be able to get a single word out before Yukio placed his hand right hand on his head and then his left index finger along his spine. With this swift motion Akira closed his crimson red eyes and opened them to reveal that they had become "God's Gift". This connected Yukio and Akira's vision and without wasting a second Yukio released his grasp from Akira and leaped backwards, the Asura path ability of his ripple patterned eyes activating at once. Soon Yukio formed a full body armor of several mechanical tools. The metal the armor was made of was extremely strong but light as well.
The mechanical body armor was fitted with numerous things, most hidden and used for sneak attacks. However, some were easy to see just by looking at it. The structures that hovered near Yukio's back like wings were fitted with a formula for a powerful barrier ninjutsu. With Yukio's will alone he is able to activate the barrier which will swiftly make a dome around his entire body to shield him. Though the barrier is nearly indestructible and can take intense damage with ease, it's main draw back is as it's activated it requires chakra to keep up. The constant requirement of chakra would normally make it dangerous to use but with the Tamashiyugo from before the last thing Yukio had to worry about was running short of chakra. This asura body was also fitted with thrusters that would allow for an extra boost in speed just in case Yukio could not use apertures for transportation and his monk flight was not fast enough. The last clearly visible feature was the blade in which Yukio unsheathed from the torso compartment. Once extended out it became an extremely sharp blade in which Yukio could infuse his light release chakra into for further enhancements. However, another amazing attribute of this weapons was that it could shrink back down then open up. Once opened Yukio would infuse the human path ability into the blade which made a energy erupt from it to make a sword shape. This sword made of unique energy carrying the human path ability was known as Tamashi Supuritta or, "Soul Splitter" This was because with a single cut from this weapon the soul of the target would be ripped out of them, causing instant death. Right now the blade was in it's normal form but Yukio was already ready to strike. As soon as his new asura body was completed (( which took only seconds )) he sent a small amount of his chakra to Akira. By using the chains along Akira's scythe made from similar material to Nagato chakra rods, Yukio could send a message to Akira instantly. Teamwork was of utmost importance and Yukio and Akira were remarkable battle partners.
"Witness my true power father."
Yukio's words echoed throughout the area just before him and Akira appeared before Okojo in mid air, a mere 10 to 15 meters away from him. Their transportation was with sheer speed alone too fast to keep up with even for Sharingan. At this distance it would be easy for even a shinobi with no sensory skills what so ever to feel the chakra radiating from Yukio and Akira. Yukio, the man baring the strength beyond an army and Akira, the holder of a million sorrows. Okojo as a monk would easily feel the millions of dread and suffering radiating from Akira's presence but he would have no time to question it for as soon as Yukio and Akira appeared they began their assault.
"Bansho Ten'in!"
"Shinigami Shackles!"
Yukio and Akira called out in unision as Okojo's son suddenly focused on him and began to try and pull him towards the two of them with a great force. By manipulating gravity and immense forces Yukio attempted to pull his father closer and closer to them and tried to restrain him and keep him from escaping. The technique that Akira performed in sync with Yukio would make a black wall appear before him, blocking Okojo's sight of his two opponents. From the depths of the black wall came thousands or black hands the launched out at Okojo. These demonic arms would follow Okojo no matter how far he ran so long as Akira willed them to and they would be capable of moving at remarkable speeds. The second Okojo was touched by one of these arms his movement would be completely halted as the foreign essence entered his body. Once grasped the arms would latch on to Okojo and pull him into the black abyss, sealing him into the depths of hell itself in which only techniques such as Yukio's Rin'negan Outer Path ability could release him.
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April 24, 2012 06:28AM
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2012 02:49PM by Smite.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 04:38PM
The whirling of the winds could be heard through out the plains as they made the grass blades dance. Sitting high in the sky would be the bright midday sun, some of its rays of light still making their way past the clouds in which it was nestled. There was just something about the surroundings that could make one be filled with tranquility. However, this peace was suddenly broken when a bright light appeared in the center of the fields. It was as if mother nature herself fell silent; the wind came to a stop, the chirps of the birds flying about could no longer be heard. Just as quickly as it appeared the light expanded and formed the shape of a wall in which a figure matching the outline of a man began to emerge. When the figure stepped foot on the soft soil the light behind him in which he had materialized from would fade away. Breaking away from his body like shattering glass the light began to disperse and reveal the being in which it had engulfed. At a distance it would appear as if the gates of heaven suddenly opened and let out an arch angel. The man would be none other than Yukio Senju, son of the Hokage, Okojo Uchiha. His presence alone made nature stand still and watch in awe. Seconds after Yukio's arrival the wind would begin to blow once more, this time only gentle gusts that made his abysmal black hair sway gracefully.
"This is the place isn't it? Don't tell me I'm early. . ."
The words escaped Yukio's parted lips in a disappointed tone. It wasn't like him to be earlier, and for the simple fact that he didn't liking waiting. Waiting only caused boredom and if there was one thing obvious about Yukio it was that he hated being bored. Even as a child he played countless pranks just for the sake of fun, even if some of them almost got him killed. There was only one thing that bothered Yukio more than boredom however. Being an adopted child Yukio always fells the need to prove his worth to his parents. So whenever his father becomes disappointed in him Yukio's childishness vanishes and his entire life is suddenly devoted to becoming better and making his father proud. If there was one day that stood out the most in his memory it was the day his mother walked into his room past his bed time to find him messing around with light in order to see the book he was trying to read. She was so shocked she rushed to wake Okojo up so he could show him. Apparently Yukio's little light wasn't something everyone could use. He'll never forget the smile he saw on his father's face that night, nor would he forget the constant training he went through the years to come. The stronger he got, the prouder his father was of him. And the proud Okojo was of him, the more accepted Yukio felt. Rumors use to spread about how Okojo only saw Yukio as a weapon, but they quickly stopped when Yukio announced he would kill anyone that insulted his father, and with his sudden possession of the Rin'negan, few dared to stand against to him. No matter what his father's intentions were, Yukio was willing to have become stronger and stronger whether it be for his own sake or for Okojo's happiness. But that was all a long time ago and it's been a while since Yukio was able to show his father the results of his training.Luckily, it didn't take much convincing to get Okojo to agree to a spar.
"Yosh! Today's the day I whoop that old man!"
Brimming with confidence and excitement, Yukio couldn't wait for the fight to begin.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 04:52PM
From a swirling gust and cluster of leaves emerged the Red Renegade.
A bright smile scanned across his face as the smoke from his appearance faded and all that was left was himself. Crossing his arms slowly and looking towards his son, the man spoke.
"Looks like I'm late."
He had raised Yukio since his arrival in the Hidden Leaf and knew most everything about him, but had only faced him in battle during training. This time was different, it was a test of Yukio's might. After everything had settled and Okojo had spoken, a moderate force of wind brushed through the field. Okojo's hair swiftly began shifting back and forth and his clothing followed to and fro. He didn't know what to expect from his son and was hoping to be surprised. Soon after the wind had settled he parted his lips to speak once more.
"Well than, lets begins."
Calmly speaking to Yukio, Okojo stood about 50 meters from his positioning and increased the volume of his voice to measures different from earlier, he wanted his son to hear him loud and clear. Before Okojo had even arrived he had thoroughly scanned the scene. He became accountant for everything in Yukio's possession and even began to measure the distance between the two. After looking at Yukio's ninja pouches he estimated what could have been inside of them and how many weapons or scrolls could fit. This was all done in mere seconds as he arrived and cleared the area with the leaves from before. Now that he had settled in, Okojo was prepared for combat.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 05:54PM
A bright smiled crossed Yukio's face as he felt his father's chakra signature appear and he spotted him in the distance. Just the sight of Okojo alone pumped up Yukio even more as excitement began to rush through his veins. With the utter of the words, "Well than, lets begin." Yukio knew this was it, no backing down. It was time to show his father what he was truly made of. Without wasting a second Yukio quickly scanned his father's attire just as he taught him, something he probably already done himself. After swiftly taking in every bit of detail he could tell of his father and the surroundings Yukio began with his first assault.
"I made this first one up just for you otousan. . ."
Yukio made sure to speak out in a loud and strong tone to where his father could hear him as he slammed his hands together. The second his palms touched his chakra erupted from his body and engulfed him. The heavenly white aura was marvelous and unique in it's own way. The angelic energy in which cloaked Yukio allowed him to withstand intense heats. It was something Yukio got into the habit of doing in the start of a fight after training so much with Okojo. There was no telling how many burns he received before he came up with it. In a short moment after his chakra engulfed him the ground below began to shake as if it was afraid, for what was to come next would be a demonstration of the godly power Rin'negan granted Yukio. Before one knew it several pieces of the earth were ripped out of the ground, hundreds in fact. The rocks ranged from about the size of a beach ball to massive boulders. If Okojo stood still he would lifted up into the air as the rocks were pulled up and hovered around Yukio. It was as if Yukio himself was a planet with it's own gravity that he freely controlled, and the earth was now caught in that devastating force. Of course, such could not be what Yukio was referring to for it was something Okojo had already witnessed Yukio perform. No, what was to come shortly after was what he really meant. A special gift for his father to say at the least. If Okojo was not already in the air on one of the rocks Yukio would now do his best to keep him within the air. Any time Okojo tried to leap down back to the ground his feet would only be caught by another rock in order to keep him hovering. And if Okojo tried to destroy the hundreds of rocks the gravity would only smash them back together so that they reformed.
Yukio called out the name of his unique hand seal he created that resembles an angel. With this alone Okojo would be able to assume that a light release technique was coming up for it was the hand sign Yukio usually performed for them. Once the seal was created Yukio began to leap about the rocks. When he was behind the rocks Yukio performed a cloning technique so that when he reappeared from behind the boulders there was now 2 of him, then 4, then 8, all the way till there was 20 of him. The clones were Yukio's own version of the shadow clone technique. If gazed at with chakra seeing eyes one would become temporarily blinded for all they would see is the light chakra shrouding the outline of the clone, making it impossible to distinguish which one was the real one through vision alone. After the clones were created each and everyone of them seemed to begin to randomly move about at a speed hard to keep up with even with the sharingan. This was because the movement was done by the opening of apertures and then traveling through them as light. Making the speed of the movement comparable to light itself, and with the random appearing and reappearing it could get confusing really quickly. That was when the surprise came.
"Fire Release: Phoenix Hammer!!"
The words suddenly echoed about the entire surroundings as the clones uttered out the gift for Okojo. It was a technique Yukio invented himself in admiration of his father's fire release mastery. In a fraction of a second Yukio emerged inches away from Okojo from an aperture and without hesitation attempted to land the first blow. Covering Yukio's right fist would be intense flames in the shape of a bird, giving the name "Phoenix Hammer" for the technique. Without warning Yukio would thrust his fist at Okojo, aiming the punch directly below his ribs. The instant the blow made contact Okojo would have been sent flying back down to the ground at an immense speed of 80 miles an hour, crashing through all rocks in the way with ease. The short amount of time it took for the flames to make contact with the ground the bird would have flapped it's wings, making the blaze swirl and mix with the surrounding winds which increased it's size to 70 meters in diameter. Once the flames hit the ground they would then swirl about in all their fury to create a massive fire tornado which engulfed the rocks in the air. Anything within 50 meters of the burning twister would be pulled in by the wind currents. The temperatures alone were enough to cause death but Yukio was not a fool. He knew of his father's mastery with fire. This attack was not based on just heat alone. The force of the blow would be at a bone shattering degree, meaning if it landed the target would be crushed by the sheer force. The fact that the flames also would have crashed through boulders and even had the jagged edged rocks flying about inside of it only raised the danger levels. If one could have survived the force and heat, then they would be torn apart by the sharp rocks flying around inside. Yukio would have used an aperture to get 80 meters away from the entire scene just after he delivered the punch, leaving him in a safe distance. Appearing beside him at the exact same time he did would also be his 19 clones. This was the power of the Rin'negan, no this was the power of the light release, NO, this. . . this was the power of Yukio Senju, The Guiding Light raised by The Red Renegade himself.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 07:08PM
The battle had officially begun.
Konoha's Red Renegade quickly crouched down, spreading both his legs apart, separating his arms as well. The moment that his adversary and comrade had pressed his palms together, Okojo within less than a second had formulated 4 hand seals, the Rabbit, Horse, Bird and Monkey. His movements were supersonic and couldn't possible had been seen, even the crimson eye of the Uchiha clan would have difficulty making out one of the seals. Okojo knew that his son was a Light Style user, he knew that Yukio had special skills that he could manipulate without hesitation. As his mind began to wonder and even before Yukio had fully designated his aura, the Hokage began to formulate all of the information he had on light. In the confines of his mind, he spoke quickly.
*"Light is associated with the Yang principle. Luminous energy can be created from electrical energy, as seen with lamps. This means that if he wants to he can light this place up with ease, blinding anything with a set of eyes. Visible light has wavelength in a range from about 380 nanometers to about 740 nanometers. The speed of light in a vacuum is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s, thats approximately 186,282 miles per second. Damn this kid... never thought that facing him would be this difficult.."*
At the end of Okojo's contemplation, Yukio had discharged a stock-white presence from within himself. This was brand-new to Okojo and he knew nothing of the technique, he had never heard of White Chakra. The technique that Okojo had initiated before is known as Bright Light Vision. This jutsu is exactly as it sounds. After forming the required hand seals, the user is able to see very bright lights, being able to deduct fairly clear, even in a blinding light. This technique cannot be used at the same time as its counterpart "Low Light Vision" and consumes E Rank Chakra per post used. After clearly noticing Yukio's new appearance, the ground began to tremble. Looking down quickly, Okojo questionably raised his right eyebrow, wondering what the hell was going on. Without a moment to spare the ground beneath the Renegade began to amalgamate, breaking free from the land and surfing the air around the location viciously. Hundreds of boulders and debris were now escalated beyond their positioning before. Just seconds after the ground under him shifted, Okojo took the chance to maneuver.
*"The power of the Rinne'gan, undoubtedly. This technique was rumored to be created by the Sage of Six Paths himself... what was its name.."*
Soon Chakra would extrude from Okojo, seeping from his confines and opening a new window for success. He had locked his eyes on Yukio and his signature stood close to him as well. The world knows this jutsu only as True Hunt. This is similar to Shunshin no Jutsu, except that the user will follow the path of the target, enabling the user to catch up to the perpetrator in mere seconds. Once a clear characteristic traceable evidence of the target is obtained the user performs this technique to flicker towards his location. By locking on a Chakra signature or a belonging of the hunted, the user of this technique can directly discharge techniques or onsets at the opponent. Okojo used this technique to maintain "contact" with Yukio, locking in on his location permanently. Facing his arm down towards the ground below him and positioning his hands to brace for a snapping action, Okojo smirked a bit and snapped his fingers releasing a large devastating barrage of flames that corrupted the ground below him. The engulfment of energy discharged from his grasp within less than a second and released a roaring sound of power that would echo throughout the field. He named this jutsu Supreme Friction. This created a 100 meter crater that dented about 10 feet deep. Soon the entire crater was engulfed in searing hot flames as they continued to be released from within Okojo's body.
Not giving Okojo a break, Yukio had already formulated a hand seal and Okojo knew of it. It was one that signified Light Style techniques. Soon Yukio began hopping from boulder to boulder, sheltering behind them for brief moments and appearing once more. As he sojourned, Okojo began to count the clones and knew exactly who and where the real Yukio was. From within an aperture, - Okojo's specialty, emerged his son's presence. A Fire Style jutsu threatened Okojo's supremacy and made a bold interaction with his existence. Okojo knew of the aperture's existence, he had been using them for over 150 years. He could since their creation and where exactly they would be formed, he had also practiced closing them. As Yukio formulated Chakra to initiate his aperture, so did Okojo. Reaching into the aperture and firing his first directly towards Yukio's, Okojo intercepted the attack and smiled into Yukio's face allowing his mouth to shift to the side. Quickly, he compressed the Katon and began to redirect it into Yukio's body, hopefully heating him up eternally. This is known as the Divine Redirection. Using extreme mastery over the fire element, the user of this technique can redirect low or high level Fire Style techniques with relative ease. To redirect the fire technique coming towards the user, the same amount of Chakra that the opposing power used to cast the jutsu is needed to redirect the jutsu. The controller of this technique will use their hands to grab hold of the fire element and twist it around, ultimately pushing it back towards the enemy. This would completely disregard Yukio's effort and turn the times of the battle a bit. Ultimatly exploding into a large devastating barrage of flames, Okojo suddenly appeared within the sky, about 100 meters above ground. His visage was bright and attitude enlightening. Wih his arms crossed, he spoke once more.
*"Is this what you wanted, son?"*
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 08:33PM
The second Yukio's father appeared within the aperture he did not falter in any way. It was nothing to be surprised about being that Yukio adapted his Light Release to make apertures after he saw his father use them. Just as his father smiled Yukio responded back with a sly smirk across his face. The second he intercepted his attack was the second Yukio's plan began to fall into place. When Yukio realized his attack was futile he simply absorbed all of the flames, including the ones created by Supreme Friction previously, with the Preta Path ability of the Rin'negan without harm, allowing the counter to be completed as he exited the aperture and his father appeared 100 meters in the sky. Yukio wasn't all too afraid of heat, but he knew there was more to his father than just high temperatures. Within a mere second all of the chakra signatures that represented Yukio became nonexistent as he suppressed them with the chakra sensory skills that he had learned, rendering what ever it was that Okojo was using to track his chakra. He of course being aware of his chakra being sensed because of his sensory ninja training. Just after he uttered the words, "Is this what you wanted, son?" Yukio's father would be greeted by a voice.
"No. . . I want more. You're going easy on me again aren't you father?"
The words were spoken by a figure of light that suddenly appeared out of Okojo's chest. This outlining of a man emerging from Okojo's body was merely a clone composed of light itself that had exited from an aperture. What aperture you might ask? Well, Okojo was now a living and breathing gate way for Yukio. The Tenshi hand seal he had created before was a special Light Release technique that is followed up by a sealing jutsu. The second Okojo intercepted Yukio's attack and came in contact with him was the second the jutsu was stuck to him. The technique itself places invisible markings all along the target in which are used to open and close apertures. Yukio knew that such a technique could be reversed by his father with ease, which is where the sealing embedded into the techniques comes into play. The seal itself consists of a barrier that only let's Yukio's chakra through. In other words, Okojo could not use his chakra to try and close the aperture himself, making it possible for Yukio to appear right on Okojo at any moments notice. Now that Yukio was free to appear out of his father's very body the clone made of intangible light looked down towards Okojo's chest where he had emerged from.
"I always knew I was in your heart."
A cheesy pun, but a pun at least. Such was to be expected from the childish prankster the man raised. However, Yukio was now filled with more than just harmless tricks up his sleeve. Without warning more light suddenly erupted from Okojo in the shape of chains which solidified as soon as they wrapped around him. These were chakra chains usually used by Yukio in sync with his Rin'negan. This time as the chains wrapped around him Yukio's chakra was surged throughout Okojo's body, instantly trapping him in a genjutsu if he did nothing to escape by now. The constant flow of Yukio's chakra through out Okojo's body would not only make it impossible to escape with sharingan due to the fact that the instant the eyes saw through it they would be trapped in the illusion once again, it also allowed Yukio to somewhat paralyze his father and restrain him, if the genjutsu did not already do so. It was at this moment that the light clone would solidify and wrap it's arms around Okojo in a loving embrace; a hug so to speak. It was with this done that the clone leaned forward and whispered into Okojo's ear to where he could hear it even inside of the genjutsu.
"Even if it were to mean death, I devote my entire existence to making you proud. Which is why, no matter what you do, I will win. If you burn me alive with the flames of your disdain, I will be reborn from the ashes. If you leave me in shock with the volts of your sorrow, I will shout back with calls of forgiveness that cry out louder than the roars of thunder. If you drown me within your ocean of power, I will use the very essence that flooded my being and took my life and turn it to a life force that surges that same power within my own self so that it makes me stronger. If you push me away with the raging gusts of your disappointment, I will push back and overcome them with the gales of my determination. If you bury within the depths of earth created by your anger, I will tunnel my way back up with my ever lasting loyalty. You see father, there's is nothing you can do to stop me from being the powerful shinobi you made me swear to become when you adopted me. And there is nothing you can do to keep me from proving that power by defeating you. If it costs me my life, I will still win."
These very words would have echoed all throughout the genjutsu as Yukio uttered them in reality. The illusion of itself was not a torturing one that put the victim under pain, but instead one filled with flashbacks of all the days Okojo had spent with Yukio, from the day he adopted him, to every day of his life that he devoted to training. It was during this that another seal was placed along he back of Okojo's back near his spine by another clone using the Rin'negan abilities to hover about. Within this seal was placed a black orb emitting the power of the technique "Chibaku Tensei" With the orb sealed inside of him and the only way to release the seal was to kill Yukio, there was little to no escape for the fate that was about to ensue. At the very last moment of the genjutsu Okojo would be able to witness Yukio at the age of 10 calling out to the crowd of people surrounding the Kage Building. . .
"If you ever insult my father again I will rip the soul out of your flesh and seal it in the depths of hell with the outer path. . ."
At the moment those words ended, just a second after the orb was sealed inside, chibaku tensei would be activated. The sheer gravity would instantly implode Okojo and crush him from the inside out. Soon afterwards Okojo and the 2 clones surrounding him would be buried under the hundreds of rocks lifted out of the ground from before. Yukio knew that if Okojo had survived somehow he could easily escape such a prison, leaving him to be on high guard no matter what the outcome may be.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 09:30PM
Another failed attempt on his son's behalf.
Okojo wasn't light weight. He wasn't new to the battle scene and could easily escape from Fuuinjutsu. The thing is, Okojo isn't alone, he's never alone. Emerging slowly from the center of his forehead was a large perception. The yellow scrutiny gazed upon the world and set hold a brand-new existence within the arena. Peering out into the space swiftly as it scanned the situation, the Divine Inner Eye of Buddha or Third Eye became familiar with the occurrences that existed. Without speaking a word, Okojo closed his eyes and allowed the Third Eye to get to work. This jutsu stimulates one's eye cells with Chakra, allowing them a strange sense of sight that can almost be described as having a partial Doujutsu. It can see demonic presences, and speak to them telepathically whether they are within a vessel or out of one. This eye will allow the user, for a limited time (4 to 5 hours), to see scents and smells as colors and shades of translucent Chakra. If one already knows the scent of the person or thing they are tracking, they can rather easily isolate the needed scent trail. If one ever looses the sense of smell because of being sick, a broken nose full of blood, etc, they can use this to track someone in a similar manner. The eye can also be transplanted with other skills. (ex; Sharingan). It has the supreme ability to leave your forehead and explore other parts of a location while being protected by a high class yellow barrier which respells physical attacks and absorbs spiritual ones too. The eye has a conscience of its own, allowing for an almost automatic expulsion of Genjutsu.
Suddenly, six circles appeared on Okojo's forehead, 2 of them being hidden by the appearance of the Third Eye. These circles signified his progression into Monk mode and pushed his being further. Because the Third Eye is an existence of its on, it has its own form of Chakra, its own mind, and its own set of skills. Okojo knew this, this made it near impossible to capture him in an illusion of any kind. The Third Eye quickly released the Seal Enlightenment technique, causing one of the circles one Okojo's head to fade away. The jutsu allows Monks to sense any seal that has been placed in their lifetime. The user can only sense the seal within a 60 meter radius. When the user senses the seal, there will be a short pulse in the direction of the seal. As the user gets closer to the object, the pulse gets stronger and stronger until the pulse stops completely, meaning the user has found the seal. Using this skill also makes invisible seals glow with a golden color for a short period of time. Once the seal has been located, the user will quickly scan it and disable the seal using Yin-Yang Chakra. Because the seal was an embodiment of Okojo there was no locating to be done. This would only take a few moments after the seal had appeared and in the middle of the process, Okojo noticed Yukio emerging from within him. His son soon spoke after appearing, stating "I always knew I was in your heart." This made Okojo laugh a bit inside as the battle grew a bit more antagonizing. Once again, Okojo had flickered away, appearing in a seperate location another 100 meters higher. He was not a total of 200 meters above the ground floating. His swaying attire and blowing hair seemed to freely roam his figure with ease.
"Did you really think I was that easy, Yukio? Come on, you had to have known better than that."
Without a single moment of silence after speaking the word "that", Okojo had snapped his fingers on his right hand. His left arm was lazily to his side as the sleeve of his jacket blew with the wind current. His right elbow was diagonal to his right hip and his fingers released a large resonating noise. Within moments large amounts of Chakra comparable to a Jinchuuriki began to seep from within his body. It covered the area in large amounts and within seconds, literal seconds. The change in temperature could be felt as the area in a 500 meter radius became 140 degrees. This huge escalation in the scenery's boundary was cataclysmic. The Chakra soon began to rise into the atmosphere and divide into the sky. In moments after snapping his fingers he had also emitted another technique, it is known as Chakronic Pressure. Chakronic Pressure is a jutsu created by Okojo Uchiha. Shinobi have the ability to control the form, movement, and potency of Chakra. This is a basic fact of Chakra. Okojo has discovered a way to spread his Chaka throughout an area. As it spread he increases its weight and density. He then pushes out the Oxygen molecules, less oxygen in the air causes the air molecules to rely on less concentration per unit volume, similar to being on a mountain top. He can also use this technique to crush certain objects with ease. This will cause those around to choke from the pressure and even cause their lungs to collapse.
After quickly raising his left hand about 4 inches from his face, Okojo smirked as he snapped once more. But this time something was different. The captivating sound of the echoing snap held a new feeling to it. The atmosphere itself began to sizzle and exhaust discharged from Okojo's body rapidly. With a large exploding sound the sky itself was thrown into a large detonation of fire. The cataclysmic explosion altered the entire scenery and held with it a hidden power. Crimson conflagrations danced about, destroying the grass within the area and flaring up terrible fires in the far distance. The renegade flames reached intense heats, those hotter than before at a whopping 400 degrees. The roaring flames continued to dance and sojourn as Okojo laughed loudly from within them. He was now hidden and was no where to be seen. The skies quickly grew dark gray and dangerous gases began to flout throughout the arena as Okojo's lips parted once more using the Announcement Technique.
"Hm... now I wonder, why were you effected by my explosion, Yukio. Have you found a way to hide from my renegade flames? Or is it that you are an illusion? So, which one is it, Yukio?"
He spoke boldly with a deep and controlling voice. This technique allows the user to project their voice using either Chakra or a special seal. This has a wide enough radius to allow the user to project their voice far enough for an entire village to hear. This is used by Okojo to announce evacuations and other important village business during emergencies and times of Crisis. This ability doesn't require the use of hand seals. This technique can easily be used in combat. Soon, the entire 500 meters was engulfed in a large cloud of fire. Somewhere within the flames was Okojo. After forming several different sets of hand seals within a matter of seconds he pressed his hands on the ground firmly. Within the ground a large amount of Chakra was committed further pushing Okojo towards his peak. This Chakra spread even faster than the atmospheric Chakra because of the already present existence of energy. As the ground began to shake and rumble, a huge explode of energy split from under ground, the force was enough to rattle the area around 10 times over. What was to come was in secrecy, but Okojo told no one. This isn't fully the reason why they call him the Red Renegade, there was still much more to see. But for now Okojo would leave his power shrouded in darkness. Dozen's of Okojo's embodiments began roaming the new fire realm, exploring what was now theres, but somehow they appeared just as the flames did. The ability to produce profound amounts of flames and energy in a matter of moments was Okojo's alone, but would Yukio find a way to bypass this skill?
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 24, 2012 10:59PM
Kenji and tide. Two assholes who i love to see rp. Their posts long and drawn out but more entertaining then many and they make sense. Love yall
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 09:00AM
Haha, thanks. This match is the most interesting I've had in a while.
Kenji is probably just going to use his Rinne'gan to absorb my flames. Whether he does or not, he's in for a big surprise.
Hint: Nothing is as it seems. A ninja must see through deception, then see through it again.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2012 09:01AM by Gou.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 05:40PM
The second Yukio witnessed Okojo's third eye appear he knew his plan had succeeded. You see, Yukio's goal was never to beat his father. Even if Yukio was capable of it, he knew such a task would not be easy. So instead he sought to try and get his father to reach a certain level. When Okojo revealed the third eye and entered Monk Mode Yukio's first goal had been accomplished. His next, was to see if he could push him even farther as to where he activated his sharingan. That in itself would be enough to satisfy the young man. If he could force The Red Renegade to unleash his crimson gaze, then maybe he had a chance at actually being strong enough to defeat him. This entire time Yukio had planned all the previous events ahead of time, estimating the possible outcomes and ways his father would respond to the situations. Such wasn't too hard after training with him for years. With the seal removed by his father Yukio knew it was time to think ahead once again. Sadly, he knew Okojo wasn't just going to let him. In an attempt to buy him some time Yukio swiftly performed 6 hand seals and activated a barrier jutsu known as "Divine Protection." just as his father uttered, "Come one, you had to have known better than that" And of course he did, however the next chain of events seemed to be a strike of utter luck for just when Yukio's barrier was completed his father unleashed a massive explosion. What was going to be used to buy him time to think, ended up becoming the shield that saved him. Most people would have burst out into tears of joy and would be greatly for their luck, but Yukio was not one to rely on such factors during a battle. The fact that it was luck that had him put up the barrier in time to protect him from the blast irritated Yukio. With him being guarded by the pretty much indestructible barrier within mid air, due to him levitating with the power of the rin'negan, the next few events that Okojo unleashed would not harm even. The words that Okojo called out to Yukio using the Announcement Technique echoed through his head over and over again, even as he pondered on what it was he was about to do next.
"No more games. . ."
There was no more contemplating, Yukio's following actions were decided and there was no holding back any longer. The heavenly white chakra that protected Yukio from intense degrees of heat suddenly began to act in a way it had not before. As Yukio slipped off the Senju armored plate and black undershirt that covered his chest the angelic aura began to shift about and create a shape engulfing him. The pieces of clothing were sealed away in a storage scroll in one swift movement before being placed back in his ninja pouch. The luminous white energy latching on to his body at this point would have been formed into two figures that resembled Okojo and his wife, the parents made of energy having their arms wrapped around Yukio in a loving manner. The technique itself formed on Yukio's will alone, and though it did not have any use, it always signified something. Out of 3 times that this formation every appeared in the past, every single time it was followed by a awe inspiring event in which Yukio displayed power beyond all rivalries. The playful look in Yukio's ripple patterned eyes faded away as he stared out of the barrier and into the renegade flames, a burning gaze filled with emotions that could not be described with mere words now making his expression. It was the next gesture Yukio made that Okojo would more than likely recognize as the one he would never forget. Engraved into Yukio's chest right upon his heart was the hidden leaf village symbol in which he had carved himself with a kunai years ago. When the rumors of Okojo seeing Yukio as only a weapon were being spread Yukio did countless things to deny it, the last action that stopped it all being him cutting the leaf symbol opon his heart and swearing on the will of fire that Okojo was his father and there was nothing no one could say or do to change that. The day that the hidden leaf village was attacked was the only other time he had swore on the self inflicted mark. And as he promised, Yukio forced every last one of the enemies to retreat on his own so that his father would not have to deal with it. However, today would be the day that Yukio vowed on this scar once again. With his right hand balled into a fist and placed along the scar Yukio called out into the flames,
"I will win! Today you witness the power of the god you raised!!"
As Yukio uttered the words the heavenly chakra figures embracing him smiled. With his promise completed Yukio performed 10 hand signs in a blur of movement, the final seal being his trademark Tenshi hand sign. Once the seals were complete Yukio pulled in his arms and bent his legs so that he appeared to be in a cradled or balled up position. For the split second he stayed in the formation it looked like the reflection of Okojo and his wife created from the white chakra were holding a new born child. But in a single second the barrier surrounding and protecting Yukio was taken down and his technique was released. Just as he spread out his body in an outward reflex he cried out in all his might, his voice being carried through out the entire battle field,
"Light Release: The White Renegade!!"
In near instantaneous speeds a massive explosion was released from Yukio's being. This blast of pure force and light covered a 1,000 meter radius in a single second. To put it simply, Yukio had just unleashed a mini supernova upon the earth in which created a ground crumbling shock wave and produced temperatures of 500,000 degrees F, a very pale demonstration compared to a real supernova, but a marvelous feat for a shinobi to accomplish. The light itself out shined the sun and incinerated everything within it's range. The force of the blast would even repel and push back all the flames as the burst of energy left the atmosphere damaged. Once the blast faded away the entire section of the heart would have a hole in it's atmosphere and be exposed to dangerous amounts of UV radiation, something Yukio did not have to worry about with his light release chakra engulfing and protecting him. The blast ended just as soon as it started, leaving the battle field destroyed, and possibly Okojo along with it. However, this was not the end of the assault. Though he had just used a large portion of his chakra Yukio still had a good amount of it left and with that in mind he would not stop. The next technique he performed would be the one he had been attempting to create every since the day he unlocked the Rin'negan and learned the legends of the Sage of Six Paths from his father. Though he had only finished the technique a mere 3 weeks ago, Yukio was ready to tested it's final form out. With all his might Yukio prayed that his father would witness this next event and gaze upon him with joy to see how far he has come in order to make him proud.
"Destruction of All Things!"
Yukio had done it. He had created the opposite of the technique in which made Rikudo Sennin be declared a god. Without warning a two layered barrier surrounded Yukio. The outer layer was bordered by a white intangible wall like structure in which once passed everything within it's vicinity would be completely torn apart. Yin-Yang itself would be split in two, separating all objects that entered it of their physical and spiritual properties. For instance, the second a person entered past the white barrier their life would instantly end as their yin and yang was divided. Instead of breathing life into what was shaped and formed from nothingness, it would remove the life and vitality of the victim. And instead of giving shape to imagination, it turned one's own existence into nothing but a figment of imagination. Once this was done the divided energies would pass the second layer that consisted of a black barrier. At this moment of time there would be no point of return for the energies would be sealed away into the abyss. To put it simply the technique somewhat resembled a black hole, a perfect follow up after performing The White Renegade for supernovas were able to create the monsters that defied the laws of physics. Yukio lay at the center of the technique, out of sight behind the black barrier and completely safe from the techniques destructive nature. To make things even worse, this technique was infused the Rin'negan's devastating manipulation of force and everything within a 1,000 meter radius would be sucked. The closer one got to the outline of the technique the stronger said force would become until it reached an extent in which not even Yukio's use of light apertures would allow him to escape. Chunks of rocks from the craters made during the battle were sucked in. The jutsu would last for only 1 minute, more than likely giving it enough time to pull in a massive amount of targets. However, once the minute was up Yukio himself released the jutsu for if he had it up an extended amount of time, too much damage would be caused and the consequences for the earth and other surroundings could be drastic. Besides, Yukio also knew of the techniques fatal flaw in which if it was not shut down before the user came too low on chakra, it would reverse and in result turn on it's user and tear them apart as well. That was something Yukio didn't even want to come close to risking, so he made sure to stop the technique once his chakra reached at the minimum of 1/4 of his entire reserves. Most would be celebrating for accomplishing such a justu and using it officially for the first time, but the only thing running through Yukio's mind was how his father would respond, and what he may say. Why might he be wondering how his father would react? Wouldn't he be more worried about whether or not his father was actually caught in the blast of ending technique? Well, no. Just as Okojo previously said, he was not going to go down easy. This entire time Yukio was not seeking to defeat or kill his father, but instead to simply push him to the edge and impress him. That was the only thing Yukio ever tried to accomplish, to make his father proud.
Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 25, 2012 05:42PM
Thanks Marcel. Just doing my job though. Besides, what is rp if it is not fun and entertaining? xD
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
April 27, 2012 09:29AM
Didn't think I was going to have to end this spar so soon...
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
May 05, 2012 01:00AM
A ninja must see through deception and then see through it once more.
Okojo knew this, he had taught it to all of his pupils. Though this technique wasn't one of amazing rank nor satire, it was one of grace and made it easy for Okojo to defeat opponents of any rank. It takes a skilled Shinobi to successfully cast a Genjutsu great enough to defeat an opponent. This is why many people are not illusionist; they do not own the skill to cast mirages that force an enemy into the oblivion. A Genjutsu is an attack on the senses, a defeat of ones psyche and the control of one's personality by a foreign force of power. Because the Red Renegade was an elitist in every circle of a Shinobi’s trade, he knew of the nooks and crannies hidden within the battlefield, this is why he never stops analyzing an opponent, his surroundings, techniques used by those he has battled or studied. He is truly a never ending legend. People tell stories of Okojo as if he did not exist. Tons of the stories, however, are not true, but they tell stories of him nonetheless. If Yukio could get Okojo to use his three tomoe scrutiny it would show Yukio’s advancement as one of Okojo’s equals, not a student, an underling, or even middle child. Yukio would be seen in Okojo’s eyes as a Shinobi of true worth, not one to be tested. And so the show goes on.
Switch Songs to Continue the Experience
Bursting from within the shells of fabricated flames was Okojo, the Master Illusionist. The power from within his embodiment eradicated any fear of defeat as a fox's smirk danced across his brightened visage. The flames from below, above and within the grasp of the scene were nothingness. They existed in another world, Okojo’s world. The man of many skills had pushed the battle forward, far faster than it had been before. You see, the Hokage isn't a ninja of compromise when it comes to battle. You either win or you lose, there is no such thing as a tie. He is a winner, the successor of the Slug Princess and the dominate ape within the walls of the Hidden Leaf Village. His skill would play testament to this as the clout neared its ending. He had never left the sky, not even for a second. In Yukio’s mind the world was his and his technique was a success. But in reality he had faltered to the Red Renegade one too many times. This technique was one of sight, sound and essence, but would Yukio figure this out in time? The moment that Okojo had snapped his fingers and released the resonating sound, he had captured Yukio. His pupil should have known that a snap from his height and distance could not have run throughout the scene and punctured the eyes and ears of those within the smallest crevice. A snap with the power of that magnitude had to have been either by a giant or an illusionist. ((In a battle, every word, paragraph, passage or engagement must be thoroughly analyzed and understood. When making a post you must read through every part within your opponent's text and document what your character knows of the natural world and does not. Use this to scrutinize what can be and what isn't, this way you can pick out words and phrases that do not sit right with you. When I went into detail regarding the snapping motion, it was out of place, I hadn't done that in any other entry I wrote, so why would I do it there? This should have been obvious to you, but you failed to realize the grasp of the situation.))
“Yukio… it looks as if you have done it… you have forced me to use not only the Sharingan… but the Mangekyou Sharingan…”
In Yukio’s cognition all was as according to plan. He had pushed his sensei to open his grand power and had even gotten rid of the renegade flames. But this was not to be; he had not pushed Okojo to show his true sight and could not get rid of something that did not exist. Within Okojo’s fabricated reality his pitch black perception had emerged for a brief moment into a 3 tomoe cardinal scrutiny as it revolved into a swirling collision that became a vortex of motion. The glowing red eyes of the Mangekyou Sharingan existed within the confines of Yukio’s Rinne’gan exploration and even held a translucent like dome (imagine a dome appearing like Kakashi’s Kamui does) around Okojo, reversing the sands of time and keeping the area around him safe from anything that Yukio could have spat out. Back to reality, shall we? Floating with his arms across his chest was Okojo. Just a single second ago he had snapped his grasp and created a resonating sound of mirage, capturing his son into a fantasy comprised of his own victory. He had snapped his finger once more, ridding the battlefield of the unnamed illusion and snapping his son back into reality to fight him with another chance.
“You awake yet, son?”
With his hair flowing back and forth with progression, Okojo smiled down to his son with a sarcastic remark. He wanted Yukio to continue the match and prove his worth as Okojo knew he could, but this could only be done by cutting him some slack. While absorbing energy form the sun gradually, Okojo prepared for his son's new onset and braced himself for the impending barrage of power.
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Re: [T.S.C.] - Stadium 2
May 06, 2012 03:06PM
^ ( click to here my newest creation and one of Yukio's Official Themes )
"No, and I've been asleep for far too long. . ."
The words escaped Yukio's parted lips in a disappointed tone as he awoke from the illusion and realized it was all just a genjutsu. He couldn't believe himself. All this time Yukio had been so focused on his father's fire release mastery that he forgot he was an illusion expert as well. But, Yukio would not make the same mistake again. He suddenly felt something rush through throughout his body; a feeling he had never experienced before. Somewhere, deep within his being, a monster woke up. All of Yukio's restraints from before, all his cautions and holding back was demolished. With this new outlook the determination in Yukio's ripple patterned eyes grew far more fierce. The chains that held him down and kept him from revealing his true power were shattered, releasing the god that had rested within him. Every bit of the childish and loving essence Yukio withheld were taken over transformed into a true warrior's cold hearted might. The very atmosphere surrounding the Rin'negan baring boy was filled with sheer power and blood lust. The next words Yukio uttered would be the beginning of the end. This time, there truly wasn't any more games. No more playing around, no more falters.
"The Outer Path: Tamashiyugo!" (( Soul Fusion ))
Without a moments notice the king of hell raised up and opened it's mouth. From the depths of it's throat the outer path spat out 500 souls in which instantly connected with Yukio and fused with his very being. Just like the third eye made Okojo's presence equal to that of two and made him immune to genjutsu, this technique made Yukio's presence that of many and gave him an intense boost of chakra and physical capabilities that far surpassed a tailed beast. The heavenly white chakra engulfing his body responded to such a change and acted furiously, swirling about in response as the raw power was infused into it as well. If Yukio wanted to he could infuse a fraction of his chakra then use it in a single punch to smash a mountain to bits. But, even though a new mindset came over him, he was still conscious and kept his intellect so he would not do such a thing and waste energy. However, whether it be a side effect of the technique or of Yukio's own doing, his appearance changed. To somewhat symbolize the slight immortality or eternal youth Yukio received with this technique his outer appearance changed to when he was a little kid undergoing Okojo's training.
This change in Yukio's physical appearance did not alter his capabilities what so ever and instead seemed to just be a little effect for show. Without wasting any time the outer path vanished and Yukio continued on with his plan. In a swift movement almost too fast too keep up with even with sharingan, Yukio drew a kunai from his pouch and struck himself right in the chest. As soon as he pulled the blade out of his chest the wound was healed completely as if no damage ever occurred in the first place. The regeneration was one of the uses of the Tamashiyugo. By using up one of the souls all damage was healed. In other words, it was as if Yukio had extra lives. With the previous actions Yukio brought down his life line to exactly 500. (( It was 501 before counting his own life along with the 500 he took in )) Believe it or not the taking of one of his lives was not for show or to just allow Okojo to witness it's power. Instead, Yukio swung the blood drench kunai, flinging the crimson liquid to the floor and scattering it across the ground. At the same time he put away the kunai Yukio made half of a tiger seal with his other hand and whispered in a gentle yet wicked tone.
"Dark Monk Art: Datenshi." (( Fallen Angel ))
With the performing of this technique the blood on the ground gathered and made a single line before starting to glow. The blood itself then turned into a red light that expanded upon the ground and formed a rectangle. This shape of glowing red light was a gateway for the being that was summoned. Without warning a creature that appeared to be human raised from the ground just before the gateway vanished. It was none other than Akira, a death god created long ago by Yukio himself after witnessing the Dead Demon Consuming Seal technique. Akira was a pure being that harnessed the power of the most corrupt. In a sense, he was an angel that carried the power of hell itself, giving the technique it's name to somewhat symbolize what Akira was. Though his abysmal black clothing and hair along with the blood red aura that surrounded him made Akira look demonic, his inner being was pure. This balance of good and evil was created to keep other monks from defeating Akira with mere purification. Aside from all of this the most noticeable feature was the bloody scythe with chains that Akira wielded. The substance the scythe was made of was extremely dense and could cut through diamonds with ease. Despite it's density Akira carried it around without trouble, his sheer strength allowing it to feel like a mere feather in his grip. The use of monk arts alone was enough to show Okojo that Yukio was serious now for he rarely ever used them. This was because the majority of Yukio's monk arts were highly dangerous and forbidden by Okojo himself. It was his Rin'negan granting him vast knowledge of chakra and his father's training that made Yukio's monk art techniques such a level. However, this particular technique was surely one to behold. Any chakra pressure used by Okojo would be rendered useless by Yukio's chakra reliever which was a similar technique but with somewhat opposite effects to negate and neutralize each other. This would not only be protecting Yukio but Akira as well for Yukio's monk arts were embedded into him. In fact, even the red aura engulfing Akira was similar to Yukio's white energy that made him immune to intense heat. Upon the instant Akira was summoned his Third Eye similar to Okojo's would already be activated and placed along his forehead, instantly glancing around the area and scanning the situation at hand as soon as it opened. Akira would not even be able to get a single word out before Yukio placed his hand right hand on his head and then his left index finger along his spine. With this swift motion Akira closed his crimson red eyes and opened them to reveal that they had become "God's Gift". This connected Yukio and Akira's vision and without wasting a second Yukio released his grasp from Akira and leaped backwards, the Asura path ability of his ripple patterned eyes activating at once. Soon Yukio formed a full body armor of several mechanical tools. The metal the armor was made of was extremely strong but light as well.
The mechanical body armor was fitted with numerous things, most hidden and used for sneak attacks. However, some were easy to see just by looking at it. The structures that hovered near Yukio's back like wings were fitted with a formula for a powerful barrier ninjutsu. With Yukio's will alone he is able to activate the barrier which will swiftly make a dome around his entire body to shield him. Though the barrier is nearly indestructible and can take intense damage with ease, it's main draw back is as it's activated it requires chakra to keep up. The constant requirement of chakra would normally make it dangerous to use but with the Tamashiyugo from before the last thing Yukio had to worry about was running short of chakra. This asura body was also fitted with thrusters that would allow for an extra boost in speed just in case Yukio could not use apertures for transportation and his monk flight was not fast enough. The last clearly visible feature was the blade in which Yukio unsheathed from the torso compartment. Once extended out it became an extremely sharp blade in which Yukio could infuse his light release chakra into for further enhancements. However, another amazing attribute of this weapons was that it could shrink back down then open up. Once opened Yukio would infuse the human path ability into the blade which made a energy erupt from it to make a sword shape. This sword made of unique energy carrying the human path ability was known as Tamashi Supuritta or, "Soul Splitter" This was because with a single cut from this weapon the soul of the target would be ripped out of them, causing instant death. Right now the blade was in it's normal form but Yukio was already ready to strike. As soon as his new asura body was completed (( which took only seconds )) he sent a small amount of his chakra to Akira. By using the chains along Akira's scythe made from similar material to Nagato chakra rods, Yukio could send a message to Akira instantly. Teamwork was of utmost importance and Yukio and Akira were remarkable battle partners.
"Witness my true power father."
Yukio's words echoed throughout the area just before him and Akira appeared before Okojo in mid air, a mere 10 to 15 meters away from him. Their transportation was with sheer speed alone too fast to keep up with even for Sharingan. At this distance it would be easy for even a shinobi with no sensory skills what so ever to feel the chakra radiating from Yukio and Akira. Yukio, the man baring the strength beyond an army and Akira, the holder of a million sorrows. Okojo as a monk would easily feel the millions of dread and suffering radiating from Akira's presence but he would have no time to question it for as soon as Yukio and Akira appeared they began their assault.
"Bansho Ten'in!"
"Shinigami Shackles!"
Yukio and Akira called out in unision as Okojo's son suddenly focused on him and began to try and pull him towards the two of them with a great force. By manipulating gravity and immense forces Yukio attempted to pull his father closer and closer to them and tried to restrain him and keep him from escaping. The technique that Akira performed in sync with Yukio would make a black wall appear before him, blocking Okojo's sight of his two opponents. From the depths of the black wall came thousands or black hands the launched out at Okojo. These demonic arms would follow Okojo no matter how far he ran so long as Akira willed them to and they would be capable of moving at remarkable speeds. The second Okojo was touched by one of these arms his movement would be completely halted as the foreign essence entered his body. Once grasped the arms would latch on to Okojo and pull him into the black abyss, sealing him into the depths of hell itself in which only techniques such as Yukio's Rin'negan Outer Path ability could release him.
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